Sunday, September 30, 2018


Sep 29,

The sun came out today, and the weather warmed up, so I couldn't possible be any happier. It was cool for our morning 12 mile run, which made for perfect running weather, but it got warmer by the time Bella had her soccer game. After our long run, I happily sat on my camping chair watching them play. We then had lunch sitting on the deck, and I even stayed there for a little while just enjoying the sunshine over my legs. It was hard to get up and go, but I had a few other things that I wanted to get done. So I got up and kept going. I did end up taking a nap later in the day, before we went to our friend Sandra's house, because I was tired and my legs were sore. But I was happy to spend most of the day outside, enjoying the weather, because I know we don't have many more days like this left this year. 

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