Sunday, October 14, 2018

Queen Bee 2018

Oct 13,

The last 2 years I have cramped towards the end of this race, so this year my goal was to just finish strong. The weather was pretty cold, so for the first time I did what many other runners do and went to Goodwill to buy something to keep me warm while we waited for the race to start, and then toss it to the side of the road. It was barely around 41 degrees, and it stayed like that the entire time we were running, which helped me run faster than I thought I would. I actually ran non-stop for the first 7 miles, which was huge for me because there are a few hills (around Eden Park and the Krohn Conservatory) where I always need to take a walking break for a few seconds. At 7 miles I started to stop by the hydration stations to drink some Gatorade, in hopes to keep the cramp at bay.  And at 9 miles I started to take a walking break for a few seconds after each mile's marker so I could run until the very end.

During the last mile I could hear the pacer for 2 hours and 10 minutes only slightly behind me, but I was determined to finish before them. I crossed the finish line with the official timer at 2 hours, 8 minutes, and 33 seconds. But since I did not start with the first corral, my official time was 2 hours, 8 minutes, and 2 seconds. That was a new PR, only 26 seconds faster than the flying pig in May. But a PR is a PR!

I was bummed that for the first time my family did not come to see me, because Bella's last game of the season was at the same time and she really wanted to go. But it was nice to meet the girls of the running group at the finish line, walk around together for a little bit, and take pictures of each other. It was not the same as having my family there, but it was much better than being all alone at the end.

It was still pretty cold when the race ended, and even though we changed into dry clothes right away my teeth were completely chattering as I walked back to my car. It was nice to get back in there, and get the heat cranking. 

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