Saturday, February 16, 2019

Vail - Day 3

Feb 16,

Today was really cold. It was snowing, and even though our bodies were properly covered our faces were being hit with the snow and the wind - and were simply freezing. It was so cold that my face felt like it was burning,  especially my forehead. And I accumulated little chunks of ice on my hair. Since it was snowing we also skied in fresh power, which is lovely but a lot more difficult. I fell a few times because of that, but nothing major. No injuries. The girls skied with Isabel and a private teacher, and sounds like they had fun and the teacher really pushed them. The even did a couple of double black diamonds. We also skied one last run all together before we called it a day, except for Lionel who took off with the teacher to more challenging terrain. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be even colder, so I hope we don't have snow as well.

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