Sunday, August 11, 2019

Emma's Arrival

Aug 8,

After pretty much a full 24 hours of travel, Emma finally arrived in Cincinnati this morning. They arrived really early, at 6:30 am, which meant Lionel and I had to get up really early as well. Bella wanted to come, but she had a cold and needed to rest. And there was no way Sofia was getting up since over the summer she sleeps like a bear. They did help make a welcome sign the night before, and Zoey came with us.

Surprisingly, Emma hung in there without a nap most of the day. She did manage to sleep on the bus from Chicago to Cincinnati, which helped her case. She went out and about with us, but at around 4:00 pm she was finally starting to hit the wall - and so was I - so we took naps. After that she felt like new again, and even drew with chalk outside with the girls.

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