Sunday, September 29, 2019

Lacrosse Tournament

Sep 29,

Today Sofia had a 5 Vs 5 Lacrosse Tournament at her school. They ended up losing all their games, but it was a good workout and good experience.

Farmers Market

Sep 29,

A little bit of Mami-Bella time at the Hyde Park Farmers Market.

Soccer Game

Sep 28,

The Dolphins may have lost today, and our sports umbrella may have tried to fly away, but at least Bella had plenty of family who came out to support her. Too bad the camera lenses turned out to be dirty, and the pictures are not the best.

The hottest run

Sep 28,

This morning we finished the longest run of the Queen Bee training .. in 80 degree heat. It was already 72 when we started, and it quickly got warmer and sunny. It was a struggle. I hit the wall at mile 8, and pretty much walked/run the last 4 miles. It was also my slowest run in a very long time. But I promised myself I was running 12, so running/walking or not, I didn't stop until I hit exactly 12.

Back to Basics

Sep 27,

Today we finally made it back to Creamy Whip.

Sands Open House 2019

Sep 26,

This evening was Sand's Open House. Bella wanted me to go, so I did. It was very hard to get there on time, especially with all the traffic around the school and little to no place to park.  But I made it. A few minutes late, but better late than never.


Sep 24,

I saw this and I liked it.

Afternoon run

Sep 23,

Today I couldn't do my usual Monday morning run because of a virtual workshop I needed to attend. So we made it a group run in the afternoon. It was hot, and we were slow, but it was better than no run at all.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ladies brunch

Sep 22,

No kids. No husbands. Just lunch and chatty time during ladies brunch.

Proud doggy

Sep 22,

A photo from yesterday. Zoey looking all happy and proud sitting next to Lionel.


Sep 21,

I have been waiting to watch this movie and we finally went tonight. I liked it a lot. Lots of life lessons to be learned.

Apple Picking

Sep 21,

After Bella's game, a shower, and a quick lunch, Bella, Emma and I went apple picking. I promised Bella that this year we would get to do it, and luckily this time around we found success. Sofia and Lionel did not want to go, but the 3 of us had a good time and came back home with plenty of apples to go around.

1,000,000% Yes

Sep 21,

Today's game

Sep 21,

Bella's team tied today's game. They had several opportunities to score, and Lionel thought they should have won, but at least a tie is better than a loss.

11 Miles

Sep 21,

This morning was really hot for running, so finishing 11 miles was definitely a struggle. It was a good thing that we went straight from our run to Bella's soccer game, so we sat down to rest.

More Yagoot

Sep 20,

Today we got out of the routine again, and were not close to Creamy Whip, so we at least stopped by Yagoot.

Mid Week Run

Sep 18,

This morning I couldn't do my run because I was in meetings, so this afternoon - after work - Sofia and I went for a 3.5 mile walk/run. This was the before.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dividend Day 2019

Sep 15,

We missed our Sofifi, who stayed home to do homework and get ready for the week, but the rest of us carried on the tradition.

Noche Mexicana

Sep 14,

Tonight was Noche Mexicana at our house with Tlacoyos, 3 leches cake, corn, salsas, and plenty of friend time.

Mas Soccer

Sep 14,

After my run, I went straight to Bella's soccer game. They lost again, but "la porra" was there to provide support.