Saturday, January 25, 2020

Feliz Cumple Abuelita!

Jan 25,

What a fabulous thing that this year Abuelita's birthday was on a Saturday, so that I could spend quality time with her instead of rushing around all day.

And then there were 3

Jan 24,

Emma went to a play tonight, and Sofia was hanging out with a friend, so Lionel, Bella, and I went out for dinner.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Sunday, January 19, 2020

For me

Jan 19,

This weekend I did several things for me. Just for me. And I managed to rest, Vs rushing through life.

On Saturday I woke up late, without an alarm, instead of waking up at 6:00 am and immediately bouncing out of bed. It was rainy outside, but I put on clothes and my rain jacket, and took the dog for a long walk. We were soaking wet by the time we came back, but it was Ok because we had nowhere else to be. I dried her, changed clothes, and went to the gym. I ran over 6 miles because I wanted to, and didn't have to rush back. I even did some weights, and not once looked at what time it was. The girls were still in their rooms when I left, and Lionel was peacefully working on his computer, so I knew nobody was waiting for me.

In the afternoon, when I got tired, I took a nap. When I woke up I stayed in bed just relaxing, until Bella came up. She brought some of the books from when they were little, and we read a few of them cuddling in bed. 

Today I woke up and stayed in bed cleaning my personal inbox, catching up on all the school emails from the week. My Sunday morning activity. After Sofia and I went for brunch and a movie I also went to get a massage. And after that I went food shopping with Bella as she needed some ingredients. We then rounded up the weekend with a family dinner.

So yes, I actually had time to live my life the entire weekend.  I can't wait until April.

Brunch and a movie

Jan 18,

Today Sofia and I went out for brunch and a movie. We went to the Dilly Deli, and we were actually the first ones there. That was good because we only had one hour before our movie, and it was quiet enough to have a good conversation.

Ottoman Cover

Jan 18,

The ottoman in our room was peeling, and today I finally  had time to make a new cover for it. It turned out pretty good if I may say so myself.

Bella's Beautiful Bakery

Jan 18,

Bella spent all morning making dessert for us. Mine turned out Ok, but Lionel's not so much.


Jan 17,

After months, and months, and months, my Orchidea is finally back. It did not like the move  to the new house, but I did not give up on it and it is now back.


Jan 16,

This morning Bella sent me to work with my own packed breakfast. I didn't even know she was doing it until we were leaving and I saw it next to my work computer. It was sweet and sad at the same time. It was sweet that she made me breakfast, but it should have been the other way around.

Night snack

Jan 13,

A snack from sweet Bella to me on another late night.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Rosca Encore

Jan 11,

Today we had our yearly Rosca get together with or friends. Both Bella and I got a baby and, as usual, we ate super yummy Mexican food that everybody brought. Of course, everything home made.


Jan 11,

Bella tried to make macaroons today. They didn't turn out exactly like the real thing, but with practice I am sure she can get there.


Jan 6,

Zoey and her Dia de Reyes gift.


Jan 6,

Dia de Reyes

Jan 6,

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Mami-Fifi Day

Jan 4,

We could not close out the Christmas vacation without our Mami-Fifi day, so we squeezed it in today. We went to the gym together, then went to the Nordstrom Cafe for lunch, did a bit of shopping for Sofia's room, and then moved her furniture around as she wanted. 


Jan 3,

After a lot of studying, and lots of effort, today I finally got to remove this from my todo list. A huge, huge weight off my shoulders.

Los Primos

Jan 1,

The vacation is over, but they had a good run.


Jan 1,

Bella was a bit tired during our drive back home from the airport.

New Year's Eve 2019

Dec 31,

Last Sunset

Dec 31,

Last sunset in Florida. Last sunset of 2019. Last sunset of the decade.