Sunday, January 19, 2020

For me

Jan 19,

This weekend I did several things for me. Just for me. And I managed to rest, Vs rushing through life.

On Saturday I woke up late, without an alarm, instead of waking up at 6:00 am and immediately bouncing out of bed. It was rainy outside, but I put on clothes and my rain jacket, and took the dog for a long walk. We were soaking wet by the time we came back, but it was Ok because we had nowhere else to be. I dried her, changed clothes, and went to the gym. I ran over 6 miles because I wanted to, and didn't have to rush back. I even did some weights, and not once looked at what time it was. The girls were still in their rooms when I left, and Lionel was peacefully working on his computer, so I knew nobody was waiting for me.

In the afternoon, when I got tired, I took a nap. When I woke up I stayed in bed just relaxing, until Bella came up. She brought some of the books from when they were little, and we read a few of them cuddling in bed. 

Today I woke up and stayed in bed cleaning my personal inbox, catching up on all the school emails from the week. My Sunday morning activity. After Sofia and I went for brunch and a movie I also went to get a massage. And after that I went food shopping with Bella as she needed some ingredients. We then rounded up the weekend with a family dinner.

So yes, I actually had time to live my life the entire weekend.  I can't wait until April.

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