Friday, June 26, 2020

No flying pig

Jun 26,

Sadly, today it was announced that the Queen Bee, which was already supposed to be combined with the Flying pig - which got canceled in May - will also be canceled this fall. Disappointing news for sure. For runners, and also for all the charities that depend on these events.

Back to the Zoo

Jun 26,

After a 6 month hiatus, thanks (or not thanks) to COVID-19, today we made it back to the zoo. It is open again, but you can only go with a reservation. Unfortunately our visit was cut short because it started pouring and, contrary to what I was hoping for, the rain did not pass quickly. But it was still nice to be back. The zoo has a special place in my heart.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Swim Meet

Jun 25,

Today was Bella's first swim meet with the "Mt Lookout Killer Whales". Due to the Coronavirus all the meets are virtual, meaning that each swim club stays home, they time the swimmers themsevels, and then virtually compare the scores to see who won. Since they did not want to have too many people at the pool they also divided them by age groups, and we only had to be there for Bella's portion. That means we were only there for about 1 hour, which was definitely fine by me. It was not hot, so sitting there with your wet swimsuit for a long period of time sounds pretty miserable to me.

Bella only did 2 races: 50 meters free style, and 50 meters back stroke. She did pretty good with free style, but not so much with back stroke. She was worried about hitting the wall at the end, so she kept slowing down to try to look. It was ok though. She is not doing swim team for the love of swimming per se. She is doing it because she wanted to go to the pool and meet new kids. 


Jun 25,

Today Bella wanted to go bowling, so we did. Lionel and Sofia did not want to go, so it was just the two of us. We went at 4:00pm, which is not their busy time. It was only another lane and us. We are both pretty horrible at it, but we had fun and got to spend some Bella-Mami time.

We kept our masks on the entire time, and made sure we put hand sanitizer on our way out before we touched anything else. 

The guardian

Jun 25,

This little guy is the new guardian of the house. Sofia and I found it in a box that said "Free" during one of our afternoon walks. I thought it was funny, so despite Sofia's protests we brought it home and it is now proudly sitting in the front yard. 


Jun 24,

After Tio's left we decided to go explore downtown. Not surprisingly it was pretty empty. The water in the fountains was turned off everywhere - so no kids laughing and splashing anywhere -  and there were very few people walking around. It felt like the city was abandoned, or run down. It was still a good walk, but seeing it like that was definitely sad.


Jun 24,

Clearly, this boy wants a dog.

Bye now

Jun 24,

After a few great days together, it was time to say good bye ... for now.


Jun 23,

Soccer and cousin screen time.


Jun 22,

Sofia, Bella, Adrian and I went out and about while the rest stayed inside. We went looking for tie dye stuff, picked up a bike at the repair shop, and got some Graeter's on the way back. Adrian was a trooper with all the stops. I dont think he complained once. 

Father's Day 2020

Jun 21,

For Father's Day the kids made breakfast and wrote some nice stuff about each family member - that Bella and Diego read out loud. We also chilled a lot and played outside. 

Tia's Birthday

Jun 20,

We spent tia's birthday chilling on the patio, enjoying family time and eating cake. Nothing exotic. Nothing too planned. Nothing stressful. Just spending time with each other, a luxury we don't always have nowadays.

Family Time!

Jun 19,

The Eshwars have arrived!


Jun 19,

This week Bella was unearthing old pictures. I believe the first one is from my middle school graduation. The second one is definitely from when I finished college. I was happy to finish of course, but mostly I was relieved. Relieved that I no longer had to worry about losing my scholarship. I was so relieved that I cried - hard - after I got my diploma.

Quick Summer Reunion

Jun 18,

This week Isabel, her boyfriend, and their new dog Pluto drove all the way from Colorado. They were only in Cincinnati for a few hours, on their way to New Jersey, so we met them at the Hyde Park Graeter's for a quick visit. I didn't tell the girls ahead of time, because I was not sure it was going to work out, so they were surprised. But they were also very happy to see Isabel - even if it was quick. We all had our masks on, but removed them for the picture.

Nap Time

Jun 15,

Bella has not been sleeping well at night, since she is so excited and counting the days until the cousins come visit us. So today she completely passed out on the couch while watching TV. She looked quite peaceful.

Sunday, June 14, 2020


Jun 14,

Bella has adapted surprisingly well to our new circumstances. She "hangs out" with her friends via the computer all the day. They even dance and snack together. I took this picture earlier this week during one of those hang out sessions.

Cream Whip

Jan 13,

Today Sofifi wanted to go to Cream Whip, so we did. 

A great Friday

Jun 12,