Thursday, June 25, 2020

Swim Meet

Jun 25,

Today was Bella's first swim meet with the "Mt Lookout Killer Whales". Due to the Coronavirus all the meets are virtual, meaning that each swim club stays home, they time the swimmers themsevels, and then virtually compare the scores to see who won. Since they did not want to have too many people at the pool they also divided them by age groups, and we only had to be there for Bella's portion. That means we were only there for about 1 hour, which was definitely fine by me. It was not hot, so sitting there with your wet swimsuit for a long period of time sounds pretty miserable to me.

Bella only did 2 races: 50 meters free style, and 50 meters back stroke. She did pretty good with free style, but not so much with back stroke. She was worried about hitting the wall at the end, so she kept slowing down to try to look. It was ok though. She is not doing swim team for the love of swimming per se. She is doing it because she wanted to go to the pool and meet new kids. 

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