Sunday, November 1, 2020

Halloween in times of Covid-19

 Oct 31,

Bella was really excited for Halloween, and this afternoon we finished her costume. Sofia didn't really care, and was focused on a lacrosse game she had at 5:00 pm. I was not sure if people would be passing out candy, but just in case kids did come we were prepared. Fortunately at least down our street people were definitely ready for it - just with additional precautions like setting a table outside Vs people coming up to your door, and wearing masks. We did get lucky with warm enough weather (warm enough for October anyway) especially considering that were sitting outside.

When Lionel and Sofia came back from her lacrosse game Lionel walked around with Bella, and Sofia and I passed out candy until it got dark. There were not as many kids as usual, but there were enough that it felt somewhat normal - minus the masks, and the distance, and all that.

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