Thursday, December 31, 2020

Good Bye 2020. Hello 2021

 Dec 31,

There is no doubt that, all around the world, 2020 will be remembered as a crappy year. We will be no different. We lost opportunities that will never come back (like Sofia’s 9th grade trip that she was so sad to miss), we lost one job, and many, many freedoms: The freedom to go visit family, to gather with friends, to travel, to go to restaurants, to go out without fear of being infected or worse, to be infected and then give it to someone more vulnerable than us. This was also supposed to be the year that, after finishing the project that absorbed my life for the last year and a half, Bella and I would get back to our morning routine for the last time, before she goes to 7th grade and starts school much earlier. Clearly, that did not happen.

Still, we are some of the lucky ones because we are all still here. And our loses do not compare with the loses hundreds of thousands of families have experienced in the last few months. For that, we are very much grateful. 

While everyone knows that things will not miraculously get better by tomorrow, and that it will take time for everyone to get the vaccine and for things to start going back to "normal", there is something to be said for closing this chapter.

Good bye 2020. Hello 2021. Fingers crossed for all of us.

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