Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Last day off

 Mar 30,

An hour walk with the dogs, a 2 mile morning run with Bella, smoothies by Bella, lunch and driving around with Sofia, quick stop by abuelito's house to show them Sofia behind the wheel, and lacrosse game. All under beautiful spring weather.

Monday, March 29, 2021


 Mar 29,

Today Bella and I went to the Spring Grove Cemetery for the first time ever in the 20+ years I have been living in Cincinnati. Bella thought the visit would be kind of sad and creepy, which is a reasonable thought and one I had shared all this time. But when I was looking for things to do around here, it kept coming up.  The place is indeed beautiful, especially on a nice, warm-ish, sunny day like today. And it is also really old. We found Procter, and Gamble, and some beautiful tombstones from obviously rich families (judging by the size and intricacy of them) from back in the day. 

In the afternoon we took Kika to the observatory, to let her run around tied to a ridiculously long leash. The point is to give her freedom but also teach her to keep coming back to us. She did a good job, and got a good workout.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, we did not ditch Lionel and Sofia. They ditched us. Lionel was working on the computer, and Sofia was supposedly doing homework. But when we are not at work, or doing homework, Bella and I like to go out and explore. Especially when the weather is nice outside, staying inside seems like the worst thing ever. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021


 Mar 28,

Walk to Coffee Emporium, Facetime call with Tios to talk about the summer, second bath ever for Kika, visit to abuelitos, Sofia driving practice, and some sister time playing Mario Cart. 

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Picnic and Zoo

 Mar 27,

Bella and her friend Ava organized a few activities to do together this week. I was proud of them for thinking ahead, and for ensuring they had something to do instead of just being bored and waiting for the week to end. Today's activities were picnic at Ault Park and the Zoo. The day started cloudy, but the sun came out and it ended up being a perfect day to be outside. 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Mami-Fifi Day

 Mar 26,

Today was Mami-Fifi day - when she finally got up. For lunch we did our usual Chick-fil-a run. I offered to take her somewhere else, just the two of us, but she didn't want to because today was the last Friday we could do Chick-fil-a (next week they go back to school 5 days at week). Since it was the end of our pandemic tradition, we dragged Lionel with us. And of course brought the hairy girls as well.  I tried to take a good picture, but settled for whatever I could  get.

After lunch Sofia and I went to the mall, which is what she chose to do. We walked around, had a drink at Starbucks, made a quick stop at Homegoods and TJMaxx, and took her driving for a little bit in a big parking lot.

Mami-Bella Day

Mar 25,

Today we had a great Mami-Bella day. In the morning, before Bella was ready, I walked the dogs and ran 3 miles. We then had lunch together, walked around the mall to find clothes for her (since she grew up a ton since last summer), came back home, watched a movie together, and made pasta for dinner. 

More dog pictures

 Mar 24,

Lacrosse Sunset

 Mar 22,

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Beautiful Day!

 Mar 21,

Today was a beautiful day. We made it all the way to 68 degrees. In the morning we walked to the square with the dogs, and in the afternoon we took them to the dog park. Both did a great job at the park. They checked on us, but also ran around with the other dogs. No barking. No aggression. No bad behaviors.               

Saturday, March 20, 2021

First dose!

 Mar 20,

This afternoon Lionel and I got our first dose of the Covid vaccine. So lucky to get an appointment. One down, one to go.

Mami-Bella Run

 Mar 20,