Monday, March 29, 2021


 Mar 29,

Today Bella and I went to the Spring Grove Cemetery for the first time ever in the 20+ years I have been living in Cincinnati. Bella thought the visit would be kind of sad and creepy, which is a reasonable thought and one I had shared all this time. But when I was looking for things to do around here, it kept coming up.  The place is indeed beautiful, especially on a nice, warm-ish, sunny day like today. And it is also really old. We found Procter, and Gamble, and some beautiful tombstones from obviously rich families (judging by the size and intricacy of them) from back in the day. 

In the afternoon we took Kika to the observatory, to let her run around tied to a ridiculously long leash. The point is to give her freedom but also teach her to keep coming back to us. She did a good job, and got a good workout.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, we did not ditch Lionel and Sofia. They ditched us. Lionel was working on the computer, and Sofia was supposedly doing homework. But when we are not at work, or doing homework, Bella and I like to go out and explore. Especially when the weather is nice outside, staying inside seems like the worst thing ever. 

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