Sunday, October 31, 2021

Halloween 2021

 Oct 31,


Oct 31,

We have been going to Yagoot since the girls were babies, but it had been forever since we took a picture. So Bella and I took one today.


Queen Bee 2021

 Oct 31,

This morning was the Queen Bee Half Marathon. Lionel and I were not able to train as well as we would have liked, but we still crossed the finish line. And I had a better time that I thought I would have. It was not my best but also not my worst. More importantly, I have yet to miss a single Queen Bee and remain part of the Queen's court.


 Oct 30,

My sweet Bella made her ofrenda for my Tia Hilda. She never met her - I barely did - but she knows she was a nice one.

Coffee Emporium

 Oct 30,

Queen Bee Expo 2021

 Oct 29,


 Oct 28,

Today was Abuelito's birthday, and even though the days of the week are crazy packed, we of course made time to go see him and sing Happy Birthday.

Halloween at Work

 Oct 28,

I am not posting pictures of my team for privacy reasons, but a few of us dressed up for Halloween. 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Last soccer game

Oct 23,

This morning was Bella's last soccer game of the season. They won, and with that they finished the season in 3rd place.


Morning Walk Finds

 Oct 23,

Boogie Bash

 Oct 22,

Tonight was Bella's boogie bash at school, a dance for 7th graders. It is not one of those big deal dances, but rather just an excuse to put on a Halloween costume and go out with your friends. Bella and her friends dressed up as hippies.


 Oct 20,

This evening was Bella's penultimate soccer game. Unfortunately they lost, but fortunately I made it even though it was an early game at 4:30.

Sunday, October 17, 2021