Sunday, November 13, 2022


 Nov 13,

When I get asked what is my superpower, or my biggest strength, I don’t have to think long or hard about it. The answer is pretty automatic. My superpower, plain and simple, is Resiliency. After all, I have been close to dying more than once and I am still here. Being resilient has carried me through a lot so far - something no other strength or skill could claim to do on its own.  I have other key skills that have been perfect companions to it such as discipline, empathy, etc. But none of them come close to the sheer importance of resiliency to keep moving forward in particularly tough days.

Resilient. Resilient. Resilient. You are resilient. Lately, I have had to remind myself a lot of it. And I have withdrawn a lot of resiliency from my personal reserves - for me and for others. I am trying to find ways to add back to those reserves, but boy it is a struggle. There is a Mexican saying that goes like this: “No es tanto lo duro sino lo tupido”. Meaning “It is not about how hard you get hit, but about how often”. The last 3 months have been hit after hit. And despite having a loving family, a support system, and many well wishers, it has felt incredibly lonely. I don’t think I have ever felt so alone.

I will continue to remind myself that I am resilient, build that up somehow, and offer that resiliency to the one who needs it the most right now. Because if I have felt lonely and powerless trying to help them, I can only imagine how lonely and powerless they have felt trying to help themselves. 

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