Sunday, May 7, 2023

Flying Pig Marathon 2023

May 7,

Well, that was a rainy one. Today, for the very first time since I started running half marathons, we had to run in the rain - from beginning to end. At first it was just sprinkling, but at mile 2 it started absolutely pouring. There was so much water that every step you took, your shoes would get submerged in a giant puddle. Luckily I had kept my poncho with me (other runners ditched it when we started running) and that probably kept my airpods and my phone from getting ruined. It was definitely hotter running with it, so I took it off when the rain was not as bad.  But poncho or not, rain means wet feet and heavy shoes, which is definitely not ideal. 

Running in that weather was tough physically and mentally, but once you are out there you are committed. And with thousands of others running by your side, you definitely feel less crazy.

At the end I successfully completed the race, my 18th Half Marathon, and even though it was my worst time ever, at a 10:44 pace, I was happy I completed it and that I was part of it. 

Not sure when I will run another Flying Pig again, but I sure hope I can run 2 more half marathons to reach my goal of 20. 

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