Sunday, September 17, 2023

Cincinnati Work Trip

Sep 15,

This week I went back to Cincinnati for work. Sunday was my travel day and it was awful with long delays, but at least I eventually made it in - some didn't. Monday morning was rainy, but then it dried up and it was sunny and warm. Since I could not see my parents on Sunday, I left work at around 1pm on Monday to go see them. And I gave them their goodies from the University of Colorado. I then saw my friend Molly before having dinner with my friend Carissa and her husband. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were full days, and a total blur on one hand. But on the other hand they were tough and emotional. There were definitely some tears before I left on Friday morning to take my flight back to Boston. Being back in Cincinnati was nice, because obviously everything was so familiar, but at the same time it was tough being back and knowing that is no longer "home". Maybe it was too early to go back. Maybe it will continue to feel like that. 

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