Friday, June 25, 2010

Isabella Estrada Bey

Today is exactly 19 months since I held Bella in my arms for the very first time. My parents where right: Time does fly!

When she was born she felt so tiny to us. At 6 pounds, 3 ounces, she was a full 2 pounds less than when Sofia was born. Her small size meant she couldn't hold as much food in her stomach, which translated into many, many sleepless nights. She also tended to spit a lot. Throwing up was so effortless for her. But she did not seem to mind. Other than that she was always a happy baby. Maybe because since the very first day she knew we all loved her very much.

I remember she was so small at the beginning that we couldn't even put her on the bouncy chair. She just wouldn't stay up. We had to prop her up with two receiving blankets, one on each side. We also used to swaddle her all the time. But we never called it "swaddling". To us, we made her "taquito", which always seemed to calm her down.

In just 19 months she has come a long way. Our tiny little baby has transformed right before our eyes. She is still very happy, but is also now a busy and devilish toddler. She climbs on chairs, she uses them as a step to reach the table, she chases after her sister, and always manages to make a mess. And now I am just waiting for her to also climb out of bed.

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