Thursday, December 30, 2010


I believe that traditions are important, so I am determined to ensure our family has some of our own. They may not know it yet as I have not explicitly told them, but one of my chosen "new traditions" is to go to our local zoo for the Festival of Lights every year, at least once. This so called festival is really nothing more than the zoo decorated with hundreds of thousands of Christmas lights, but it is a good excuse to get out of your house, not to mention that it really is a pretty sight.

This December has been especially cold around here, but in the last couple days we finally caught a break. Today we were in the low 40s, which made it a perfect day to get out there. Not surprisingly it appeared the entire city was also there, so parking was a bit of a mess. But we made it inside and walked around for a little while. Bella was not necessarily in her best behavior. She did not want to sit down, and wanted to walk around but without holding anybody's hand. Not the best idea in a very crowded place. So our visit was somewhat rushed: No time for the red train, no time for the carousel, and much to Tia Gabi's disappointment, no time for the puppet show.

After the zoo we all went out for dinner, or at least tried to. Bella was still somewhat unruly and it was taking forever to get our table, so I ended up going home with her before we even got to sit down. I am not going to lie, I was not very happy about that. I was not mad at her, but simply annoyed that things did not work out as planned. Sofia decided to stay with her Dad, and I hear she behaved really well despite the wait.

So that was it for today:

1) Family Tradition: Check
2) Photos of family tradition: Check
3) Increase Tia and Tio's hesitance to have children after Bella's display: Probably check

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