Monday, March 14, 2011


This morning was a rough one. Bella did not behave well at all. She threw several tantrums because instead of getting ready for school she wanted to play, and then she wanted to read books. It took us forever to get out of the house, and of course I was running extremely late. I ended up putting her in the car without a sweater and without shoes, and just throwing them in her backpack for - hopefully - later use. Since I was so late, and with such a short fuse, I was also in a bad mood with my poor Sofia, who for the most part did behave.

Once in the car Bella started to scream and cry because she wanted her shoes on, and Sofia started to cry because Bella was upset and screaming, and hurting her ears with all that noise. Truth be told, I wanted to cry too.

Once I finally dropped them off, and made my way to the office, I was still very sad. I felt like the worst mom in the world for getting so mad at my kids for something so stupid as taking their time. It made me sad to know that instead of enjoying the morning with them I spent it all stressed out. And I was hoping nothing would happen to me during the day so that I could go back to them and tell them that even when I am mad at them I still love them with all my heart.

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