Monday, July 25, 2011


This past weekend we had a special visitor, my good friend Agustina from college. We worked together the summer of 1997, at the international programs office, and we were tight until we finished school and I moved away.

Another good friend used to call us Babis (me) and Babus (her), and after all these years we still used those nicknames when talking to each other. Doing so just felt natural.

She contacted me about 2 weeks ago to let me know she was living in Michigan, because her company sent her there for a project. So we quickly made plans for her to come visit. She arrived Friday afternoon and left on Sunday around noon, and even though it was a very quick visit we had a great time reconnecting and learning about our lives for the past few years. And I loved that she got to meet my girls for the very first time.

I was sad to see her go back home, but I am happy that she will be back in a month for Gabi’s baby shower. That should be fun!

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