Thursday, October 13, 2011


Lionel and I just arrived at the Bahamas for a long weekend getaway. Neither one of us had ever been here before, and although it is different in its own right, it also reminds me of Mexico in more ways than one. Houses big and small, rich and poor, all coexist side by side. As we made the drive from the airport to the hotel a pedestrian crossed the street where he shouldn't have, which made the drivers around honk at him in dislike. Hmmm... I guess that come to think of it, that reminds me of everywhere.

Although I am happy to get away from the routine, I am also sad that the girls couldn't come with us. But the purpose of the trip is to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary and relax - not an easy thing to do with a 6 and a 3 year old running around.

I read many reviews about the Bahamas and the service levels you can expect - some good, some really bad - so I am not sure what to expect anymore. But I will start the trip with cautious optimism and will hope for the best. After all I have no blackberry, no computer, and no ipad from work.   That should be relaxing enough by default.

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