Tuesday, November 1, 2011


One of the things that bothers me a lot is when people do things "half assed". So I was naturally annoyed when Sofia was doing her homework and, when she made a mistake, she simply scratched the whole thing off. Of course the first mistake was allowing her to use a pen instead of a pencil, a mistake I wasn't there to prevent.

I explained to her that doing that was not Ok, that it was sloppy, and that turning in homework like that was simply embarrassing. I even gave her several analogies to try to drive the point home, like telling her that she wouldn't like it if we served her a cold dinner, or if we dropped the food, picked it back up, and gave it to her to eat. I then told her that tomorrow she needs to ask her teacher for a new homework sheet, so she can do it correctly this time around. And last, since I normally have her write a phrase a few times to practice her writing, I decided to have her write something relevant to my teachings of the day. The phrase didn't fully make sense, but I had to make it short enough so she could write it, and at least partially learn the point.

Sloppy - Exhibit A
Sloppy - Exhibit B

"I need to be clean with homework"

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