Sunday, February 19, 2012

Vail - Day 5

I am not nearly as exhausted as in the last few days, which makes perfect sense considering that I didn't ski today. While Sofia went to ski school, and Lionel enjoyed his freedom in the slopes, I had a massage and then walked around town with Monique and Bella. Luckily I got a refund for Bella's lesson and my ski pass for today, which felt really good because otherwise it would have been wasted money for us. We had luch, bought a few souvenirs, and then it was time to go back to ski school so we could try to see Sofia in action before the end of her class. We got to see her take the lift, go down the hill, and she even got to take the lift with Lionel, who by then had met us there.

After skiing we all came back to the hotel, went to the pool/hot tub for a little while, and came right back to the room to take a shower before dinner. We had dinner at a restaurant called "Bol" that is a short walk from the hotel, which was nice because by then it was already somewhat dark and the little downtown is also very pretty at night. The restaurant has some bowling lanes in it, which according to some reviews can make the place somewhat loud. I though this would be good for us because in the event Bella started screaming probably nobody would even know.

It was good to have a mellow day, given that tomorrow we are heading back home to the routine. The only downer was that Bella was somewhat cranky all day, probably because for the last few days none of us - except for Sofia - has been able to sleep through the night. Luckily for now she is already down. I hope she stays that way, because otherwise it is going to be a very long travel day.

Waiting for Sofia's class to end


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