Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring Break

This week was Sofia's spring break at school, but even though I would have loved to spend every day with her the harsh reality was that I had to work.  On Monday I was particularly bummed about that. It is not like she didn't have a place to go, because she was going to Spring Break Camp and several of the kids from her school were going to be there. But still, when your kids are on vacation you would like to spend it with them.

I chugged along all week, working particularly late - even later than usual - given all the stuff that I have on my plate. But by yesterday morning I was physically and mentally done. Not only was I tired from all the hard work, but I just wanted to spend time with my girl. So I only worked for part of the morning, and after taking Bella to daycare Sofia and I hang out together the rest of the day.

We started our mami-Sofia day by watching "Mirror, Mirror" with one of my friends. After that my friend went to work and Sofia and I went to Dewey's for Pizza, had ice cream, and hang out at Newport on the Levee for a little while. It was such a beautiful spring day! It wasn't either hot or cold, the sun was shining, and I was just plain happy for being away from work and spending time with my girl. She also looked really happy, and had a big old smile in her face.

I may not have been able to spend the entire week with her, but at least we made Friday our special day.

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