Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Solo yo!

Truth be told, in many situations I totally hate being by myself. I simply can't help to feel lonely when I happen to be alone.

It probably doesn’t help that when I am traveling by myself for work - such as this week - I constantly seem to get subtle references about "how weird" it is that I don’t have any company with me: From the guy at the registration desk who insisted on asking me more than once if I needed more than one room key, to the people at the restaurants who ask "Table JUST for one?", to the older couple sitting next to me at dinner tonight who gave me a very sympathetic look as soon as I sat down. Makes me think about all the people who are truly alone in this world...

I probably wouldn’t mind being alone in a quiet, relaxing setting, where it can just be me and my thoughts. But in a place like Las Vegas where I can’t even hear myself think, where everybody around moves so quickly and people don’t necessarily have their "Nice, sweet-self on", it sure would be nice to have my friends or family to form my very own, personalized, human shield. The point is that when you are with your loved ones, the surroundings tend not to matter as much.

To closeout my lonely dinner tonight, and in a gesture similar to that one of eating lots of ice cream directly from the bucket during sad times, I had couple desserts: One crème brulee, and one flan. I figured it was Ok since I went running earlier today. After that, I couldn’t wait to get back to my room - and now I can’t wait to go to sleep. Tomorrow I am heading back home, and needless to say I just can’t wait!

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