Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mothers Day 2013

This year, Mothers Day was pretty uneventful. Gabi, Bella and I had lunch with my mom on May 10th, which is the actual Mothers day in Mexico, and I got the gifts that the girls made for me at school. But we didn't do family lunch because Lionel and Sofia were supposed to go to the reds game - since my mom won some really good seats. At the end Lionel decided not to go to the game because it was cold that day, but unfortunately it was too late to make lunch plans. We tried couple places, but of course they were crazy packed from all the people who did plan ahead of time. I was disappointed, and decided to just skip lunch and go straight to grocery shopping .We then tried to go out for dinner with Gabi, Raj, and Diego, but every restaurant was still packed. So we ended up at a new "Mexican" restaurant that was pretty disappointing. There was truly nothing Mexican about it and nobody liked it, so we are certainly never going back. 

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