Sunday, October 6, 2013

Michigan Recruiting Trip

Last week I spent three days at the University of Michigan with some of my work friends for a recruiting trip. I had never been there, but I learned it is a really nice campus, with a very good engineering school.  This time around we didn't get to travel on the corporate jet, but it wasn't too bad of a drive. We took my car, and it took us about 4 and half hours, taking a break for lunch.

The career fair was tiring, since we didn't get much of a break, and the next day we spent 10 full hours - back to back - interviewing candidates. Half of them were great [the other half not so much] and they will be coming to Cincinnati for a day visit in the next 3 weeks.

It is never easy to be away from the girls for several days, but I was happy to go on the trip. We really need to build our pipeline, and it makes me proud to be doing this for the company, and helping good candidates get a chance at a good job. Once upon a time somebody saw potential in me and gave me an opportunity, and I can now do the same for somebody else.

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