Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bella's Birthday Party

Bella's Birthday is not until tomorrow, but we started the celebration early. Today we had her tea-party themed birthday party at the Museum Center with 12 of her closest friends. Even before she knew the theme she had decided that she did NOT want any boys at her birthday party, although she made an exception for Diego - if only because he is their cousin and they love him.

The party was only an hour and a half, but I was still nervous that it could quickly go downhill because they had some activities planned - and 5 year olds are not all that great at following directions. But even though the kids indeed had their moments, the lady that was leading the activity managed to stay patient.

After the actual party the kids had the opportunity to run around the museum, which all of them very much enjoyed ... while the poor parents were trying to keep up with them. After all, it is not easy to chase them around especially when they only spend a few seconds in each place.

On our way out we braved the weather to take couple quick family pictures before we all went back home to stay cozy and warm, and get ready for the week.

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