Monday, January 20, 2014

Winter Place

This weekend we went to West Virginia for a quick getaway. Since we didn't have to work, or go to school today, we were able to drive there Friday after work, spend Saturday and Sunday there, and drive back home today.

The place where we stayed was a nice big property, although I suspect it looks much nicer during the summer, with beautiful green trees all around. The ski area was actually not much larger than Perfect North though, which on one hand was disappointing, but on the other hand made Lionel appreciate the fact that Perfect North is not too bad after all. We stayed away from the beginner's area, since - I totally agree with Lionel on this one - being surrounded by beginners is the worst. Since they don't know what they are doing, and don't have very good balance and control, that makes it dangerous to be around them. I personally got taken down once by a snowboarder, and a second time by Sofia because her ski clipped mine. A third time almost happened, but I managed to stay up. Every incident was at slow speed though, so I wasn't hurt at all. I was mostly annoyed by the fact that I had to get back up.

Bella was probably the littlest skier we saw once we moved away from the beginners area, and several people wanted to give her high-five, and commented on how cute she was. Other than a meltdown she had at some point, she actually did really well - especially considering that her boots didn't fit her well the first day, which unfortunately we didn't realize until the second day. My poor girl...

Sofia did well as well, but unlike Bella she was definitely more nervous and even scared during one of the Blue runs.  We have to give her credit because she tried again, but she definitely didn't enjoy very much pushing herself.

Even though Lionel and I were disappointed that the ski area wasn't bigger, I still had a good time and so did the girls. They got to practice their skiing, they love going on trips anyway, and Lionel and I spent couple days not worrying about house chores, and just enjoying each other's company and our time with our two favorite girls.

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