Sunday, September 7, 2014


Today was a good day. After getting up at 7:00 am for a long run, which ended up being 9.5 miles, Lionel went to play soccer, and I did some chores around the house. By the time we were finally going to have lunch the girls asked if we could have a picnic outside, and although that didn't sound like the most practical thing to do - drag all our stuff to the grass - I said yes. I mean ... why not? The day was beautiful after all, and that would allow us to enjoy the sunshine for a little while.

After lunch I went to buy food, and the girls stayed home with Lionel and made a lemonade stand with the neighbors. They made $6, which they split as follows: $2.5 for Sofia, $2.5 for the neighbor, and $1 for Bella because (I am told) she really didn't help that much.

By the time I came back from buying food, and the girls finished their lemonade stand, it was already past 5 pm. So we went to Gabi's house to pick up Paco, and spend a few minutes at a playground with them. After that it was dinner time, and go go go to get ready for the week.

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