Saturday, November 29, 2014

Normal. Flattering. Creepy.

This is a short story about how a visit to Kroger earlier today went from normal, to flattering, to creepy. Here it goes...

This morning I went to Kroger real quick to get couple ingredients I was missing to make Lionel his birthday cake. I was grabbing the buttermilk when I heard somebody behind me say: "Excuse me". I turned around and there was a guy, probably in his late forties, standing there. "Do you know where I can find pie crusts?” I told him where to find them and he walked away. So far so good.

I then ran into him again (probably on purpose as I later found out) and he said "Excuse me again. Are you married?” I answered yes, and he added "You are a very pretty girl". I said a weary thank you as he walked away, hoping that was it. But he came back couple minutes later and said "Excuse me, but I have to ask. If I give you my number, is there any way I can take you out?" ... WHAT?!? You've got to be kidding me people!! I answered a firm "No sir" and he finally left. But I definitely lingered for a few extra minutes at the store to make sure I wouldn't run into him outside. Oh, and may I mention that I have a cold and was wearing my sweat pants?

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