Friday, December 26, 2014

Sands Christmas Day

This past Friday I ended up volunteering at Bella's classroom for couple hours because last minute she told me they had a Christmas celebration, that Santa would be there, and that she wanted me to come and take a picture of her. She also said she was supposed to bring board games ... Or was she? Actually, she wasn't 100% sure that was the case... sigh. Since I was planning on working from home, I decided to go inside the school during the drop off to ask her teacher what was really going on. Turns out Bella didn't need to bring a board game, but they did have a celebration and her teacher desperately needed help because some of the other parents who were supposed to help got sick and couldn't be there.

I had a ton of work stuff that I wanted to get done before the break, but how could I say no to helping out when her teacher takes care of Bella every single day? So I stayed. After that we were free to take the kids with us if we wanted - it was the last day of school after all - so of course Bella refused to stay. Instead she asked to go to Panera for lunch, so we went. She then asked if we could go watch a movie, but she quickly answered her own question remembering that I was supposed to be working from home.

By the time we finally made it back home I only had a bit over two hours to work, so I did as much as I could before heading back out to pick up Sofia and go to the last piano lesson of the year. It was nice to spend time with Bella, but it was also an exhausting day.

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