Monday, May 25, 2015

Pool time

Pools in Cincinnati open this weekend, so yesterday we went to check out the one in our new neighborhood. Sofia wanted to wait and go in the evening, because that is when the neighbors were going, but Bella wanted to go before that. So I took her for a little while, but then I ended up disappointed because she didn't even thank me for it. She got cranky because the little girl she was playing with had to leave, so we went back home shortly thereafter. Too bad our first visit to the pool wasn't completely happy times.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! It's okay! Shake it off, and I'm sure the next trip to the pool will be spent better. I'm just glad the girls are fond of the idea of going to the pool. Make sure to keep us posted on the next visit though. All the best!

    Stella Hammond @ Palm City Pools
