Monday, September 7, 2015


Sometimes, despite all the wonderful things around her, and despite all my best efforts, Sofia is just plain unhappy. She sees conflicts where there are none. She gets afraid of things that should generate no fear. She talks to her sister as if she was her worst enemy ... And when that happens, I feel like somebody punched me in the stomach. And a deep level of sadness emerges from the fact that I feel so powerless. And I keep trying. I keep trying to help her see the good. But it is exhausting. And more often than not it is also pointless. Because no matter how hard you try, and no matter whether it is your parents, your very own child, or any other loved one, happiness ultimate comes from within. It is a choice. You can choose to see the negative, and let it drag you down. Or you can choose the positive and let it pick you up.

I will keep trying, because I love her and that is what moms do. We always keep trying. But for the love of God she needs to help me out.

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