Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Vacation - Day 4 - Nochebuena

Dec 24,

Today was all about getting ready to host our family for Nochebuena. The girls and I spent a good part of the day in the kitchen, mostly baking our desserts. But we also did prepping for the rest of the meal. We finished right at 4:30, and then I took a quick shower so we could stop by Isabel's house for a little bit, since her family had invited us and they are always nice to us. 

By 6:00 pm our family arrived, and we started with the program the girls had carefully planned with lots of love. Bella did a gymnastics show, and then we played a game that my parents and Gabi happily won. After dinner we handed out the gifts the girls and I made, and other gifts we bought for every family member. Everybody has helped us out so much this year that we wanted to do something nice for them too. This year our handmade gifts were a personalized ornament, a personalized planting pot, and a cute little snowman that Sofia made.

To close out the night the girls said good bye to Elfie Chica, left milk and a cupcake for Santa, and went to bed.

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