Friday, December 29, 2017


Dec 29,

Today I picked up the plates we painted during Mami-Bella day, but I didn't open them until I got home so we could see them at the same time. We were happy with how they turned out.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Festival of Lights!

Dec 28,

Tonight we went to the Festival of Lights. It was freezing cold, so we had to layer up, but we simply can't have a winter break without going there at least once. I hate the cold weather, but I love the Festival of Lights and it is part of our family tradition.  Also, I feel like going there transports me back in time and I like that.

Sky Zone

Dec 28,

Today was pretty cold once again, but I didn't want the girls to spend their entire day at home doing nothing or playing with electronics. So we went to Sky Zone for a full hour of crazy jumping. Of course it appeared that the entire Anderson Township had the same idea, as the place was pretty crowded. But still, the girls had a great time. Sofia went back and forth all over the place, and although Bella did some of it as well, she mostly lingered playing dodge ball. I really don't know why she likes it - seems like a mean game to me - but she gets a kick out of it.

Shopping and Abuelitos' House

Dec 27,

Today Monique and Philippe went back to Boston and we took the girls to my parents' house so Lionel and I could do some shopping. Surprisingly, he was actually the one who wanted to go and I was just tagging along.  I also thought we were just going to Kenwood, but as it turned out he wanted to go all the way up to the outlets. So that took all afternoon. And surprisingly - again - I actually got tired before he did. By the time we came back to my parents' it was a little after 6:00 pm, and we lingered a bit looking at old photographs before we headed out for our 7:00 pm dinner reservation at E+O. We found some good ones!


Dec 26,

Today it was a pretty full day and it made me happy to be able to hang out with the family without worrying about the time. We had lunch downtown, at Sotto, and after that we took the girls ice skating in Fountain Square. It was cold for sure, but ice skating was in our wish list for the winter break and they had a lot of fun. Since Lionel and I were not skating, and Sofia left us in charge of her phone, we even had fun taking a bunch of selfies while she was not watching.

Christmas Day

Dec 25,

The girls had a great Christmas morning so they were happy. They got what they asked for, a few extra gifts from Grandma and Grandpa, and a personalized letter from Santa. And, they also got a white Christmas as it snowed a bit the night before. Sofia's favorite gift was her instant camera, and Bella's was a karaoke machine she got from grandma and grandpa. 

After opening gifts we took it easy during the morning and went to 11:30 mass. The girls were not particularly excited about it, but we have been bad this year in terms of going to Church and we have no excuse to not show up at least on Christmas day. Besides, I really wanted to go to give thanks for everything we have and pray for the family, and for all the people out there who don't have loved ones or are suffering in one way or another.

In the afternoon Monique, the girls and I went to see one movie while Lionel and his dad went to see another. Everything is closed on Christmas day, so the movies were a good alternative. For dinner we stayed in though. We had leftovers and it was nice to sit around in our PJs and relax a little.

Christmas Eve

Dec 24,

This year my sister and her family are in India so we are missing them a lot, but the rest of us continued the Christmas Eve tradition. That included the girls putting on a little show - which this time around was Bella doing gymnastics to a song - and playing a few games to have something else to do other than just sit around and talk.  The 3 games this year were putting together a 48 piece puzzle, building a Lego tower that could hold a Lego figure at the top, and getting 5 plastic golf balls into 5 paper cups. 

After the games we had dinner, enjoyed dessert, and opened gifts. The girls always put a lot of effort into thinking about what craft they want to make for the family, and this year it was personalized frames. 

Once my parents had gone back home we went to Isabel's house for a little bit since her family invited us to come over. It was cold, and we were tired, but they are always nice to us and I knew the girls would love seeing Isabel. So we bundled up and went, and hung out with them for a little while before we came back and got settled for the night.