Thursday, June 1, 2017

Marco Island - Day 5 - Bike Ride

May 31,

Today was a struggle for me. At least the first part of it ... a big chunk of it. I didn't go running this morning and we spent the entire morning and early afternoon stuck at the house. Of course I was the only one that felt stuck.  Nobody else did. Everybody was happy to get up, take it easy, and play by the pool for hours on end. But I was literally feeling like an animal in a small cage. I watched a few episodes of my favorite show and finished the book I was reading, but the feeling of restlessness was completely killing me. By 3:00 pm I couldn't take it anymore and went to ride bikes with Sofia. There were only 2 bikes. It was sunny and hot, but I didn't mind. I wanted out! We biked for one our, which was good exercise and exactly what I needed to get rid of the stress from sitting around.

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