Sunday, October 1, 2017

Wicked 2017

Oct 1,

Today we went to see Wicked. It was my third time, Sofia and Gabi's second time, and Bella and my mom's first time. I don't recall how old Sofia was when I took her for the first time, but I think she was around Bella's age. So it had been a while. 

When it was time to get ready in the morning the girls of course wanted to wear whatever, but I reminded them it was a special occasion, and they needed to make more of an effort. Sofia ended up wearing a new dress I bought her a few months ago (that still had the tags on since I had been unsuccessful at getting her to wear it before) and Bella ended up wearing the dress Sofia wore to her very first piano recital a long, long time ago. 

It was pretty much an all day affair. First we picked my mom up at around 10:30 to head downtown and have brunch together. The play was at 1:00 pm, and our brunch reservation was at 11:00 am - plenty of time. While we were sitting there waiting for our food, a lady who was sitting next to us stopped by on her way out to tell me "what a beautiful family we had". I thanked her and joked that if she stuck around for 30 more minutes she might change her mind. After lunch we took a couple of quick pictures on our way to the theater since it was so nice outside. Once we made it to the theater we were also going to take a couple of pictures next to the Wicked sign, and it so happened that a nice lady not only offered to take our picture without being asked - she actually took a really good one. We made it to our seats with only about 5 minutes to spare, and were lucky that one of the ushers saw Bella and offered us a thick seat cushion in case she couldn't see. We wouldn't have grabbed one otherwise, since I hadn't even seen them. 

After the first half, during the break, we rushed to the bathroom so we got there before the long lines formed. That was a very good move on my part - if I may say so - because kids just can't hold it for the entire show. After that the girls wanted to buy a couple of souvenirs, so we did so before the second half started. 

Throughout the show I checked on Bella a few times to make sure she wasn't getting scared and she was having fun - which she did. Not only it was the first time she was seeing Wicked - it was also the very first time she was at that big theater with such a big production.

At the end of the show the cast indicated that they were collecting money for a charity, and that if you donated $75 you could have a short backstage tour. Bella really wanted to do it, so we went to check it out. As it turns out though it was $75 per person (not per family) but the lady told me that since Bella was little she would let us in with only 2 passes, not 3.  Gabi and my mom didn't want to stay for the tour, so they headed home. Since Bella wanted to do it, I was intrigued, and the money was for charity, we decided to do it. While I was paying the lady asked me "Do you mind if I ask you what is your background? Your girls are just so beautiful". It was nice of her to say so - and it was their second compliment of the day - but luckily Bella didn't hear her. She has heard plenty of it by now, so there was no need to feed her big head.

The tour ended up being about 30 minutes long, but there were only a couple of spots where we were allowed to take pictures. Bella did have a couple of questions, and I encouraged her to raise her hand so they could notice her - since she was the smaller in the group - which worked beautifully. 

After the tour we walked back to our car and headed straight home. Bella was tired by then, and fell asleep for a few minutes - even if she denies it.

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