Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2017 In Review

Jan 1,

As I look back at 2017, I think it was a bit of a mixed bag. We didn’t have devastating lows, like when my mom was diagnosed with cancer, but we did have a few scares like when Sofia found a lump below her shoulder or we were in a car accident - just a few days before my birthday. We also didn’t have some of the career highs we would have hoped and worked for, and in fact faced another challenging year of empty promises at work, but Lionel and I are still gainfully employed. And although I still don't feel particularly comfortable in this neighborhood, which definitely has its challenges, I do have plenty of friends, from different circles, and plenty of other people in my support system. Glass half full. As for the girls, Sofia had a challenging end to 6th grade due to a teacher who seemed to be at the end of her rope. So she was ready to move on. But despite the nerves (ours and hers) she had a smooth transition into Walnut and got excellent grades during her first semester there - while also picking up a few new friends. She has grown so much in the last few months. Bella also had her challenges at school, first with a classmate that drove her crazy (and ended up being moved to another classroom where she continues to drive other people crazy), and then having a new teacher for 3 grade that she doesn’t like as much as the one who left. But she is still mostly easy going and doesn't let things bother her too much - thank God.

This year I didn’t manage to keep all my new year resolutions, but I did fairly well. Among others, I got rid of a lot of things, physical and emotional, that I no longer needed in my life. And I plan to continue the process as there is something to be said for simply “letting go”.

As we start 2018, my deepest hope is that we will continue to have health, safety, freedom, financial stability, and love in our lives. And that we will find the right opportunity - and the courage - to get a fresh start.

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