Sunday, March 31, 2019

Two rings

Mar 31,

In Florida we walked into a jewelry store and the girls each chose a ring. Not surprisingly Sofia chose a small, delicate one. And Bella chose a crown.

Spring Break - Day 7 - Heading back home

Mar 31,

Florida was good while it lasted, but this morning we said good bye to the ocean and the warm weather, and made our way back home. It is freezing in here, even colder than when we left. So much for Spring.

Spring Break - Day 6 - Last day

Mar 30,

Today was our last day, and we made it count! Plenty of beach, pool, and stroll time.

Spring Break - Day 5 - Enjoying the beach

Mar 29,

Spring Break - Day 5 - Morning Run

Mar 29,

This morning I ran 9 mostly flat but warm miles, and ended my run by the beach - the best view ever!

Spring Break - Day 4 - Hello Florida

Mar 28,

This morning we took an early flight and made our way to Longboat Key in Florida. Our room was not ready since we got there like at 10:00 am, but that was Ok. We changed into our bathing suits, they stored our suitcases, and we spent the day at the beach.

Spring Break - Day 3

Mar 27,

Zoey desperately needed a bath, so this morning Bella and I took her to the "do-it-yourself" place while Sofia did homework. She wasn't loving it, but she wasn't hating it either. After that, for lunch, we went to Chick-Fil-A. Sofia's choice. The girls then went to play with some friends for the afternoon, and I did some work and entertained myself. I also spent a significant amount of time brushing the dog, which sometimes feels like a pointless exercise.

Spring Break - Day 2

Mar 26,

Today the weather was much better than yesterday. It was warmer and sunny. I worked all morning, but took the afternoon off to hang out with the girls and finished my work at night. Bella chose the lunch (Panera) and the activity (Pottery painting). We did pottery painting last year, and she wanted to do it again. After we came back home I offered to get them ice cream, IF we walked there and back with the dog, so we did. It was a really nice walk. It was cool in the shade, but very pleasant in the sun.  And it was nice not to have to rush.

Spring Break - Day 1

Mar 25,

Today I had to go to work, and by the end of the day the girls were really bored. So I agreed to take them to the mall for a stroll. Actually, our first option was Sky Zone but we then remembered that they are closed on Mondays. The weather was not great, so we had to do something indoors. We didn't walk around for too long, but it served as a distraction for the girls.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Rosie red

Mar 24,

Today there was some spring event at Trader Joe's and Rosie Red packed my groceries. Kind of different.