Sunday, June 9, 2019

Europe - Day 16 - Pancakes, Van Gogh Musem, and Sunshine!

Jun 9,

This morning we went to Amsterdam Pancakes for breakfast, on our way to the Van Gogh Museum. Pancakes around here are larger but flatter, and they seem less filling - or should I say less heavy? Sofia was messing with her hair as usual, and looked like a total hippie. But at least she was having a good time.

I was really looking forward to the Van Gogh museum. It was crowded, but we still had a chance to see the paintings up close. Unfortunately Starry night is not there (it is in NYC), but we saw the Sunflowers, the Yellow Room, the Almond Blossom, and many others. I really enjoyed our time there. Photography of the actual paintings was not allowed, so we only have a couple of pictures from our visit.

The sun finally came out today, and it wasn't cold or windy like yesterday, so after the museum we walked around for a while. Seems like everybody was out today as well, walking up and down the shopping streets. While those streets were crowded, it was a bit of a leisure walk because we didn't have to worry (for a change) about some bike running us over. Bike riders around here definitely do not mess around, so you have to constantly be on your toes.

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