Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday walk

Nov 24,

This morning, since for once we were not  in a hurry, I took Zoey for a long walk. We went to Ault Park. It was cold, but not too bad. And it was a peaceful time.


Nov 24,

This week, in Bella's school newsletter, they had a short article to congratulate  all the girls that ran their first 5K last week. I thought it was a nice detail.

Bella's Birthday Party

Nov 23,

This year we had Bella's Birthday party at Sky Zone. Once again I ended up inviting too many kids, but it is Ok. She had fun and thanked me a bunch of times for the party, and for agreeing to pick up and drop off her friend Ruby so she could come. She was also excited about her gifts, and ask to open them as soon as we got home.

Made it to Friday!

Nov 22,

After a long, long week of work and training, I finally made it to Friday. Our last Creamy Whip Friday until they are back in the spring.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Mean Girls!

Nov 16,

Girls on the Run - Bella's First 5k

Nov 16,

After several weeks of training, Bella was excited to run her GOTR 5k this morning. We were kind of freezing while waiting, but the sun was out and at least the view by the river was pretty. 

Bella did a great job, running it in under 10 minutes per mile. I finished at 30 minutes and 22 seconds, just a few seconds behind her. She was sprinting to the finish, and I couldn't keep up. Their time wasn't officially captured, but she she ran it in slightly less than 9 mins and 25 seconds per mile. She was very happy, and we were very proud of her. It was not about how fast she could finish - that was the icing on the cake. It was about her sticking with it knowing that she can, and crossing the finish line.

Another Friday

Nov 15,

After another hectic week, we finally made it to another Friday.


Nov 13,

Bella and I have started a new tradition which is to have a "picnic" in my room after dinner, when everybody else is doing their own thing preparing for the next day. It started when I was working in my room, and she sweetly brought me tea and dessert. It was such a nice gesture that I put my work computer aside, grabbed our favorite watermelon blanket, and put it on the ground so we could hang out together. 

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Mami-Bella-Daddy time

Nov 9,

Tonight Sofia was spending time with a friend, and Emma was spending the night somewhere else, so it was Mami-Bella-Daddy time for dinner. We didn't do anything fancy. We went to Mazunte, since Sofia does not like going there. We then got home and played a trivia game before the exhaustion of the day - and the week - caught up with me I crashed for the night. 

One more. One less

Nov 9,

Today Bella lost another tooth. It was really wiggly, and it was really bothering her, so she ended up just pulling it out.

Friday again

Nov 8,


Nov 6,

Tonight Sofia had an indoor lacrosse game. Traffic was bad, and it took us forever to get there, but we made it.

Sweet Bella

Nov 5,

Tonight I was working in my room, trying to catch up with my thousands of emails, and Bella brought me dessert and a tea. She was so sweet. Since she also brought some for herself I took a break from work. We put a blanket on the floor and we had a picnic. 


Nov 5,

Sofia had to make her own lunch today. For her standards, this is as fancy as it gets. She was proud of herself.