Sunday, November 17, 2019

Girls on the Run - Bella's First 5k

Nov 16,

After several weeks of training, Bella was excited to run her GOTR 5k this morning. We were kind of freezing while waiting, but the sun was out and at least the view by the river was pretty. 

Bella did a great job, running it in under 10 minutes per mile. I finished at 30 minutes and 22 seconds, just a few seconds behind her. She was sprinting to the finish, and I couldn't keep up. Their time wasn't officially captured, but she she ran it in slightly less than 9 mins and 25 seconds per mile. She was very happy, and we were very proud of her. It was not about how fast she could finish - that was the icing on the cake. It was about her sticking with it knowing that she can, and crossing the finish line.

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