Sunday, February 16, 2020

Vail - Day 5 - Powder

Feb 16,

Today it snowed ... a lot ... all day long. That could only mean two things for our last day of skiing: 1) Cold faces (as the snow would hit our faces constantly) and powder. For experienced skiers powder  (lots of fluffy snow) is the best thing ever. A total dream. But for not so experienced skiers it can be a bit of a nightmare. It makes skiing way more challenging. 

I knew that given the conditions  (and the fact that it was the fourth day of skiing) the girls would not last all day long. And I wasn't sure I wanted to ski until 4:00 pm in that either. But they actually gave up way earlier than I expected. By 12:30 the three of us were already back down having lunch while the rest kept skiing. After that they had no intention to put the skis back on, so we went and returned them. We certainly could have gotten more skiing done today, but at least we spent some time together - just the three of us. 

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