Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 3

Mar 18,

Today I worked the whole day in my room - except for the first couple of hours. Bella came up to sleep  in our bed, so I couldn't really be on the phone and came down to start the day in the living room. I have a small table in our room, where I normally have my jewelry and other items, and I cleared all that up so I can use it at my desk. My ottoman is just the right height to sit comfortably for a while.  That will probably be my new working spot, as Lionel is now also working from home. Besides, the girls are usually downstairs, moving around and making noise, and it wouldn't fair to tell them to be quiet all day. 

While I was in back to back calls all day, Lionel worked, and Sofia did homework on and off, Bella and Emma fought boredom by making us lunch (pizza, salad, and banana bread). And they also made us dinner. And we worked together on cleaning and organizing he pantry. By the evening, even Sofia got into the cooking scene by finishing some cupcakes with Bella.

Lionel also made a quick run to Kroger, and came back with news that there are definitely many empty shelves. It still seems odd, like this is not really happening, and tomorrow we will wake up and be like "Just kidding! We are back to normal".

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