Sunday, May 31, 2020

Good Bye May

May 31,

Today was the last day of May and we made it count. I ran my 1.3 miles, Bella and I played tennis in the morning, all four of us mulched the front and side yards, and Bella and I moved our tomato plants outside. It was a ton of work, but it was also nice to spend the bulk of the day outside.

50 miles

May 31,

Today I reached 50 miles for the month of May. When the month first started I didn't set this goal - or any goal at all. Although I was hoping maybe I could get to 30 miles - which meant running a couple of times per week. But after yesterday's run I was at 48.87 miles and I was not going to leave it at that. So before I started on all the activities of the day, I ran 1.3 miles. 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Home Office

May 30,

I really love how my home office turned out. I a very comfortable in it, which is a good thing considering how much time I spend there. Sure, I am still sharing the space with the Legos, but that is ok.

A Good Saturday

May 30,

Today we ran, we had ice cream, we walked, We enjoyed the benefit of being safe in our community and our home. I so wish everybody else could say the same.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020

May 25,

Having the extra day off today tasted like a slice of heaven.

We ran. We ate lunch on the deck. We did FaceTime with Emma. We planned the meals for the week and went grocery shopping. We played tennis.  I even had alone time and started reading a book I bought forever ago. Bella and I spent a few minutes on the hammock, and we did our family walk.

For our run Bella insisted that we wore matching tops, which were complimented by runners and bikers alike. We ran-walked, but the girls still struggled.  Sofia was cranky about it, but cheered up once we got home and she started playing with Zoey. 

It warmed up very quickly, but we had lunch on the deck. All the trees that surround it make a nice canopy over it. 

In the late afternoon, after I prepped dinner, the girls and I played a little tennis. And when they went inside I read for a little bit. Good old Zoey stayed close to me, chilling, sleeping on the grass.

For our final outdoor activity of the day we took a 30 minute walk after dinner. It was not as hot and humid anymore, and with a lot less people out and about it was also quite peaceful.

Sunday, May 24, 2020


May 24,

Today we spent a significant amount of time outside.  Lionel and I walked the dog, we went to Home Depot (where we also found some pretty orchids),  and we worked on the yard. And since the weather finally warmed up, I took my trees outside. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020


May 23,

Today was supper muggy. I went running in the morning and it was a hot and slow one.  But I finished my 6 mile run. Bella made me a smoothie on the way back, and I enjoyed a few minutes sitting in the front patio talking to Lionel. I also took a nap in the afternoon and we all enjoyed a chill end to the day.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Three walks

May 22,

Today was a 3 walk type of day. First I took Zoey out before starting my calls. In the evening we took our family walk, and then Sofia and I took a quick walk after dinner. During the afternoon walk we saw an abandoned teddy bear that someone tried to save by putting it up high. And we also walked by the abandoned house that was torn down but hasn't been cleaned up - nobody in the neighborhood is happy about that. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 49 - Last day of school!

May 21,

Today was the girls' last day of school. The weather was cold, but at least it was not a wash. Bella made me a yummy breakfast, and we took our family walk at the end of the day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 48

May 20,

Today it finally stopped raining, and the sun finally came out - at least for part of the day. But it definitely got cooler again.

Since my meetings started at 7:00am (Vs 6:00 am) I managed to squeeze in a run before starting my day. And we did do a family walk. During the walk we noticed a tree that for some reason we never noticed before, that has several rings in the trunk.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 47

May 19,

Today was another uber rainy day. It was raining all day - hard. So I didn't go on the family walk. Just Sofia and Lionel went, for a very quick walk.

Yesterday I forgot to post a picture of the pancakes Bella made me for breakfast, so today I am posting yesterday's and today's.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sunday - Day of [not] rest

May 17,

Today we did yard work before it started raining. Lionel has been unhappy with the people who cut our grass, so he borrowed the neighbor's lawn mower and did it himself. He also cut the branches that were sticking out on the sidewalk. I bet people were grateful for that one.  I trimmed the bushes, and picked up a lot of dead plants and leaves. Bella pulled small weeds, and in the last hour or so Sofia also came out to help pick everything up. 

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Work and Rest

May 16,

Today was a mix of hard work and relaxation. In the morning I went running 6.5 miles. It was supposed to be raining on and off, but since I normally can't run during the week I went for it. I managed to get 4 miles in before it started pouring, so I came back home soaking wet. We then spent the better part of 4 hours working on my desk. I bought it online last weekend and the good news is that it came very fast. The not so good news is that it came in a million pieces and we had to put it together. That was hard work, but it looks really nice. And come to think of it, this is the first time ever that I have a dedicated desk, just for me, at home.

In the evening it stopped raining and the sun came out, so I sat on the hammock for a while. Then Bella came out and got on it with me as well. I needed that. It was the most relaxing part of the day - or of the whole week for that matter.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 45

May 15,

Today Bella made me fruit and donuts for breakfast. How could I say no to that? 

It wasn't particularly sunny outside, but it was warm and comfortable during our family walk.