Friday, May 1, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 35

May 1st,

And just like that, April is over. And today, the very first day or May, was the best day ever! All of Latin America and most of Europe were on Holiday, which means it was a quiet day. For the first time in probably over a year I only had 2 meetings. So instead of frantically running around from meeting to meeting, I actually had time to hear myself think. And it was beautiful, and peaceful, and productive.

The morning was cloudy, but the sun came out in the afternoon. It warmed up a lot, so I very much enjoyed our walk. Playgrounds are still closed, and public benches have yellow tape around them, but we were just walking by anyway.  On our way back we also saw that a house down the street, that has been abandoned for about 20 years according to the neighbors, is starting to be taken down. The overgrown bushes in front of it are gone, and so is the glass in the windows.  A brand new construction is going in there. We just hope it will not be a modern house that looks completely out of place. 

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