Sunday, January 31, 2021


 Jan 31,

Kika has been trying to get into Zoey's bed, but Zoey is not having it. But I guess that today Zoey was Ok getting into Kika's bed.


 Jan 31,

Bella and I made lunch this afternoon. We made waffles and bacon. Bella also made chamomile tea, and we all ate together.

Waiting for the spring

 Jan 31,

I feel like this spot is waiting for the spring...


 Jan 30,

While the winter goes on outside, my orchideas bloom inside.


 Jan 28,

Snowy morning walk with the girls.

Abuelita's Birthday

 Jan 25,

Quick visit to celebrate Abuelita's birthday, with a home made cake by Bella.

Sunday, January 24, 2021


 Jan 24,

Kika got into Zoey's bed to take a nap. She has been trying to sit down next to Zoey when she is there, but Zoey is having none of it. So I guess she took advantage when Zoey was away. She has also been hanging out with Lionel in the office, but too close to his chair, so he has to be careful when he rolls back.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Afternoon Walk

 Jan 23,

This afternoon Bella and I went on a long walk with the girls. We went to Ault Park and back. It was cold, but it was also a beautiful afternoon.

Our books!

 Jan 22,

Yay! We just got our latest Chicas Terremoto books.

The week

 Jan 22,

The week flew by between long days at work, school, and taking care of the little one.  

Monday, January 18, 2021

A mess

 Jan 18,

Just like when the girls were babies, right now the house is a mess as Kika's stuff is all over the place. We will get back to normal, but for now it is what it is.


 Jan 18,

In a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel, this afternoon (going into the evening) Sofia had a lacrosse practice. Outdoors, and masks on.

Healthy Recipes

 Jan 18,

Bella's gym teacher had the great idea of creating a competition for healthy recipes. Kids can submit a video of recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Bella of course was all over that, and this weekend she made her recipes and her videos. She made banana pancakes, quinoa bowls, and poke bowls. I helped her cutting the butternut squash and other ingredients, but everything else was all her. Oh, and Lionel and Sofia helped film while she was cooking and mixing the ingredients.

And then there were two...

 Jan 18,

My orchidea has bloomed even more this week...

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Another day of firsts

Jan 17,

This morning Bella and I walked to Coffee Emporium with the dogs. It was Kika's first walk there. Then, we took Kika to my parent's house so she gets to know them early on - and knows they are family as well.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

The first week

 Jan 16,

Today is exactly one week since Kika came home. It truly is like having a baby home all over again. You have to take them out to pee all the time, including the middle of the night, they whine if you don't pay attention to them, and they have accidents on your floor all the time. Not to mention that they try to chew on everything. Good thing that they are also cute,  soft, and cuddly, and that we love dogs in this house.