Sunday, January 3, 2021

Here he go...

 Jan 1,

This morning we started the year with cold pouring rain. I got bundled up, put my rain jacket on, and took the dog for a quick walk - or so I thought. After taking a few steps away from the house she basically refused to go. So we came back home. It was really miserable weather, but I reminded myself that in other cultures it is considered good luck when it rains during a special event, as it means abundance. 

Since everything is closed on Jan 1st, and particularly this year, it was an indoor type of day. I was planning to run outside, but instead ran 5 miles on the treadmill. After all, the important part was to get it done. Then, during the second half of the day, I spent a good amount of time cleaning my closet. One of my recurring new year resolutions is to get rid of things that no longer serve me well, including relationships, thoughts, feelings, and things. So over the last few days I have been decluttering several areas of the house including the freezer, the pantry, some drawers, etc. I left my closet to the end because I knew it needed the most work and ... well ... I really do not enjoy doing it. But I got most of it done. 

In the meantime, Lionel and Bella found other ways to entertain themselves. And Sofia worked on her "dot" craft, which has been keeping her sane for a while. 

So we did not do anything exotic for the first day of the year, but it was fine with all of us.

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